Dispensaries near me

Looking for a Dispensary near you? This site is dedicated to helping you find that Dispensary near you. When you buy from a local brick and mortar Dispensary you are supporting your community. This directory will help you find that Dispensary near you offering smoking and vaping devices to enhance your experience. We suggest that you try your local area before you buy online, but if you're not finding what you need at your local Dispensary or smokeshop we can help you out with our online store for bongs, vaporizers, dab rigs, bangers and more. If your local store is not carrying the products you wish them to, feel free to drop us a note in the contact form and we will contact them up and try to get a bigger selection in their store.

California, CA

Anaheim Daily Deals Dispensary

4.2 / 5

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Anaheim Daily Deals Dispensary
1928 E Center St, Anaheim, CA 92805, USA
Health & Wellness Center

3 / 5

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Health & Wellness Center
110 N Tustin Ave, Anaheim, CA 92807, USA
TSA - Top Shelf Anaheim

4.1 / 5

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TSA - Top Shelf Anaheim
3124 W Lincoln Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801, USA

About California

California () is a state in the Western Region of the United States that lies on the Pacific Coast. It borders Oregon to the north, Nevada and Arizona to the east, and shares an international border with the Mexican state of Baja California to the south. With over 39 million residents across an area of 163,696 square miles (423,970 km2), it is the most populous U.S. state, the third-largest by area, and most populated subnational entity in North America. Prior to European colonization, California was one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse areas in pre-Columbian North America. European exploration in the 16th and 17th centuries led to the colonization by the Spanish Empire. The area became a part of Mexico in 1821, following its successful war for independence, but was ceded to the United States in 1848 after the Mexican–American War. The California gold rush started in 1848 and led to social and demographic changes, including depopulation of Indigenous tribes. The western ... Read More

What is a Dispensary?

A dispensary is a store that sells special items or dispenses the specialized items. Cannabis or marijuana dispensariers started in the US some time in the early 1990’s when Dennis Peron opend the San Francisro Cannbis Buyers Club. Back then the cannabis dispensary faced a ton of hardships, but Dennis, his team and dream helped pave the future for all future recreational and medical cannabis dispensaries. In 2014 the first recreational dispensary, 3D Cannabis opened it’s doors in Colorado. As of 4-1-19 33 states have medical dispensaries and 10 states have recreational dispensaries.

At a dispnsary one will find many differnt kinds of cannabis flowers (buds) and concentrates, edibles along with smoking untensils, but have a limited selection compared to online shops like Elev8 Glass Gallery. The dispensary also will have what is called a budtender to help you find what you are looking for. If you need help with cannabis info Elev8 Presents is a good resource.

What is the difference between a medical or recreational dispensary?

In realtiy medical and recreational dispensaries are the same thing. This all comes down to the states laws on cannabis. We feel cannabis is just like alcohol and medical will happen first and then recreational will follow, and so far history is showing this. Dispensaries are an excellent place for patients and recreational smokers alike to find the cannabis that best suits their needs!